Friday, February 1, 2008

Minding Mama by Marilyn Arnold

Last week I read this book and enjoyed it. It is the one our ward is doing for book club in March which is at my house. It is about a woman who needs to bring her mother from Georgia back to her home to Utah to be buried. (I promise, I am not giving anything away.) She has some fun and funny adventures and meets different people along the way. I like the things she comes to realize through the book. It has aspects of book that are related to the church but isn't a cheesy mormon book. (I hope that doesn't offend anyone; there are just some cheesy ones out there.) So if you are concerned about that, don't be. It's cute and funny and a feel-good book all at the same time.


Emily said...

Only some cheesy ones? Come on you have to admit that the majority of the fiction books in Deseret Book are so full of cheese you could feed all of Africa.