Thursday, March 6, 2008

Jane Austen

Hi everyone! I know it's been a zillion years since I've posted anything on this blog. Sorry! I've been busy with a couple of big reading projects. I just finished reading Jane Austen's collected works. I love reading her works! I'm fascinated by the time period and I always enjoy her witty and sometimes sarcastic social commentary. I truly love some of her stories. My favorite is Persuasion, followed by Pride and Prejudice and then Emma. I don't love all of her books as well as those three, and I think the difference is whether or not I respect and identify with the main character. What's your favorite Austen work and why?

Also...thanks Nancy for recommending Ella Enchanted! I just finished it (as well as Fairest, also by Gail Levine Carson) and loved it. It's probably the best fairy tale remake I've ever read. Fairest was fine, but it had a lot to live up to after finishing Ella Enchanted. I still found it to be extremely creative and very well written. Has anyone else read Fairest?


Nancy said...

My mom says that Fairest is GCL's second-best book, but I haven't read it yet...she actually bought it for my little brother. :) He's almost 19.

Anyway, I'm planning on reading it once I can get a copy in my hands.

Emily said...

I think my favorite Austen book is either Emma or Sense and Sensibility. I love the character of Emma, but can't decide whether I like Emma's antics better or if I like the dynamics between the different women of Sense and Sensibility.