Thursday, June 5, 2008

Green Rider and First Rider's Call by Kristen Brittain

I'm actually not sure if I've posted about these books before, but I just finished them again and wanted to talk about them.
They are adult fantasy/fiction. I've read them both several times and I just love them. I find the main characters believable and the story engaging. The main character is Karigan G'ladheon who, after running away from school because of being wrongfully suspended, finds herself thrown into an adventure that includes magic and much danger. Both books are wonderful and very well written. They are also two of only a few adult/high fantasy books I've found that don't have any questionable material or outright gross ideas.
The problems and the ideas are more adult, but the content is clean which I love for a change when I've been reading a bunch of young adult fantasy. I would highly recommend them to anyone.