Monday, December 10, 2007

The Fairy Godmother by Mercedes Lackey

As you can probably tell by the title it's a fantasy book that I found in the regular (not teen) section. It's the first in a series-that's-not-really-a-series called Tales of the Five Hundred Kingdoms. I haven't read any of the other ones yet, but from what I gather it's a same world different characters kind of series. Anyway...
This is a different take on the Cinderella story, but before you groan about the millions of them out there read on. The "Cinderella's" name is Elena and she has all the traditional problems at the beginning of the story. The only problem is that the prince she's supposed to marry is only 11 years old. In this world there's a thing called The Tradition, that magically forces you to fulfill a traditional story if your life fits one at all. But since she can't fulfill her traditional story the magic keeps gathering around her. That's when a godmother shows up and takes her on as an apprentice. The rest is all very fun, and a new view on godmothers and how "destiny" works.
I really enjoyed reading this. I couldn't put it down, and spent an entire night at work finishing it. The characters are good, the story is compelling, the writing is engaging. However there are two or three "scenes" in this. They are sexual in nature and made me slightly uncomfortable. One I just skipped entirely it was about half a page.
SO in short I recommend this book with a few reservations. (Bonnie I don't think you'd be able to get past the "scenes.")


Bonnie Parks said...

Thanks for the heads-up. I was intrigued until the "scenes." I'd rather just not know what I'm missing.