Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Goose Girl, Princess Academy; by Shannon Hale

My sister, Laurel (who you will soon know on here as Large Marge) recommended these books to me. I'm sure we aren't the only ones who have read them. Shannon Hale writes fairy tales in novel form. These two books are geared towards young adults technically, but they are wonderful. They are quick, intriging, and fun. By the way, I have no idea how to spell intriging.


Emily said...

Hear, hear! Love love LOVE Shannon Hale!

P.S. Intriguing

Nancy said...

Yeah, ummm...does anyone in the area happen to have a copy of Goose Girl that they aren't currently reading?

The Orem Public Library has nine copies and they all seem to be perpetually on hold or checked out.

Bonnie Parks said...

Nancy, I just had to wait in line on hold from the library. Sorry. I always have something on hold there and then read other things in the meantime.

Emily said...

I think you've convinced me to just go buy them. Most of the books I own I want my kids to be able to read and I've heard nothing but good things about Goose Girl.