Friday, November 9, 2007

Maniac Magee; Jerry Spinelli

I've loved this book for ages. I think I read it the first time somewhere around 7th or 8th grade. I think I read it at least 20 times during 7th and 8th grade. I would pick it up, open it wherever, and start reading from there to the end. It didn't matter what I had to do and it didn't matter where I opened the book to - wherever I opened it, I read from there to the end.
A bit about it, it's set in a very segregated town where an orphan boy runs away to. He's innocent and wonderful. He sees no one black, he sees no one white, and he decides that the only "white" part of him are in his eyes, which everyone has no matter their colors. This story inspired me to love the morning, to run outside in the morning, and particularly the very very early morning. The "before-the-town-wakes-up" early morning. And it even made me try to learn to run on a railroad-track rail while on my mission (there was a railroad close to some investigators in one of my areas).
Anyway, sorry for the personal note, but yes, I love this book! :)


Bonnie Parks said...

To celebrate the beginning of the blog, Matt checked Maniac Magee out from the library. So of course, I read it. I really like it too. I like the impact he has on others and the way the characters learn to accept him. For those who have read or will read it, my favorite character is Grayson. Who's anyone else's?

Large Marge said...

This is by the author of Stargirl, so I'll have to give it a try. It sounds great.

Emily said...

The only thing I remember about this book was the knots. I'm definitely going to have to read it again.